Monday, November 21, 2011

Henry Hill Video and Overview by Tim

Metrowest Adventure
                                                                 (video at end of story)
         The Metrowest Adventure Trip began at four p.m. on Friday November 11. The scouts had driven to Henry Hill in Sudbury. About a hundred yards into the woods on the hill, the scouts made their camp between two areas of forest. On the opposite side of the eastern woods, down the hill, a wide field opened up before the woods. The weather was warm for so late in the year, but the sun was setting fast. The scouts had about an hour to set up their tents before the sun went down.
            The next morning the scouts awoke to a nice hot breakfast. The meal was required to be a hot breakfast, and be a little more in depth than the usual quick meal. This was due to the service project scheduled for that morning.  Kevin’s patrol had scrambled eggs, and Marcus’s patrol ate breakfast sandwiches.
            The service project involved tearing down invasive vines that had smothered several trees in a field down the street from the site. The scouts were given all manner of loppers and saws in order to clear the vines. It didn’t sound too hard, until the scouts had to sort through which branches were part of the tree and which ones were vines. The vines had also grown very thickly together, and were heavily tangled with the tree branches. The vines first had to be cut at ground level, then pulled out of the tree and piled around the tree for collection.
            The project lasted close to three hours, and the scouts were tired, but proud of what they had accomplished. The troop headed back up to the site for lunch at around one. They also had their spam cook off. Kevin’s patrol made spam and noodle soup, while Marcus and his patrol improvised a stir fried meal with various fruits and veggies and, of course, spam. Both meals were delicious and the scouts were ready for their next activity.
            The scouts next had to construct a track as part of the challenge. They had to build a track to run a water balloon down. The scouts were scored based on the length of the track, the number of turns in the track, and how far the water balloon survived without popping. Kevin and his patrol utilized sections of dead tree bark to form a gutter-like track with a slight curve. Marcus’s scouts used a hollowed out log and two lengths of rope to form their track, with three abrupt turns in the design.
            The water balloon survived longest on Kevin’s bark track. Their design worked just as well with both the balloon and the softball. The design of Marcus’s track was finely tuned to the softball, but the water balloon was entirely different. The rope portion of the track was much too wide to hold the water balloon, so the scouts were forced to do away with the first half of their track.
            The scouts then had an advancement session, where the older scouts educated the younger scouts on how to safely handle knives, axes and other tools for their Totenchit’ badges, which are required for scouts to carry any such tools. They also worked on rank advancements, with the older boys helping the younger scouts.
            Next, the scouts went about making dinner for the evening. Marcus and his patrol had meatball subs, crackers with cheese, and pudding pie for dessert. Kevin’s patrol ate cheese and crackers for their appetizer, a main course of rice and beef, and a dessert of peach cobbler. The scouts then played manhunt for a few more hours, and went to bed.
            The next morning, the scouts quickly packed up, for they still had more work ahead of them. The troop next went on a hike and service project; they had to clear a few miles of trail of debris from recent storms. The scouts hiked along the nearby trail for an hour and a half, clearing fallen trees with their saws. They stopped at Ford’s folly for a lunch that they had put together with leftovers from the trip. The scouts then hiked over Nobscot Hill all the way to the Nobscot scout reservation parking lot, where they played a game of football while waiting for their rides.  
            Also, a special thanks to Mr. Shupe for organizing the adventure, to Scoutmaster Clarke for providing his portable latrine, and to the other adult volunteers for their assistance on the trip.  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wreath Decorating Competed!

Over 500 decorated wreaths are now being distributed to our fine friends!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Henry Hill Camping & Service Trip

Last weekend we had a great local trip to Sudbury Valley Trust Henry Hill site. We worked Saturday morning clearing invasive Bitter Sweet of well established apple trees. Then pruned one.

 We had a great camp site.
Eat well include a fine Spam Cook Off.

Finishing the trip with a 5 mile hike to Nobscott Scout Reservation...Trimming storm damage along the way.

 Want to see more. Click Here!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Saco River Canoe Trip Report by Tim

Saco River Canoe Trip
            The Saco River Canoe Trip for 2011 started off on a rainy Friday evening in the true spirit of scouting. The troop arrived at the church parking lot at about 5:00. After some hustle and bustle about rides and what gear was going where, Troop 12 left the parking lot a half hour later. We stopped at McDonalds for dinner, and continued on our merry way. Arriving at the campsite at around eleven, the troop was acquainted with what turned out to be the biggest problem of the weekend; the mosquitoes. In a lull in the rainstorm, the scouts hastily set up their tents to escape the rain and vicious bugs.
            The next morning, the scouts had a quick breakfast of bagels and oatmeal and then headed down to the river. Canoe buddies were chosen, and each canoe was supplied with two oars, a throw line and life preservers. The canoes were launched at around 9:30, and the boats grouped together for a photo. The trip was underway.
            The day started off cloudy with some hopeful rays of sunshine peeking through. It was not very hard going, as the current pushed the boats along the river. There was debris such as fallen trees in the river from hurricane Irene that had passed through several weeks previously, and the water was rather cold, so no one was inclined to swim. By noon, however, the sun had come out and the temperature began to rise.
            With the building warmth in the air, an unforeseen annoyance became one of the greatest irritations of the trip. The mosquitoes on the river were vicious. When the troop stopped for lunch around 12:30, they attacked in huge numbers. Lunch was over in twenty minutes, and for the whole rest of the trip, the mosquitoes hung around the troop like a plague. The Scouts could often squash three or four at a time such was their proximity to each other.  
            The canoe trip ended early at around 3:00 in the afternoon, on account of the innumerable bugs. The troop had planned on the trip taking all day, but the mosquitoes had other plans. Upon arrival at the campsite, it was decided that the troop would go to North Conway, a nearby town that was the place to be on a Saturday evening. The Scouts were allowed to go through the various shops and general stores along the main road of the town. There were not nearly as many bugs outside the wooded campground, and the troop enjoyed about an hour of bug free bliss.
            The troop came back to the site at around 5:00, and dinner preparations began. For those that have not been on a scout trip, dinner is often a sizable meal, and takes a long time to prepare. By 7:00, the meal of tinfoil dinners was cooked and ready to be eaten. The Scouts cleaned up, and went to bed by 9:00.
            The next morning, the Scouts arose, packed up the site, policed the area, and started the long drive home. The Scouts were tired but content about the weekend’s trip. They had managed to get out into the woods and forget about the rigors of work and school for a few days, which was reward enough for their hard work.         

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Service Project Sunday Afternoon at the Church

We will be doing the traditional fall clean up, so please bring along gloves, rakes, wheelbarrows and other implements that might help with the clean up efforts. Please wear your Class B shirts to show that you are from Troop 12. We are doing this service project to show our gratitude for being able to use the facilities at Plymouth Church at no charge. We also get good support from the church members for our fundraising efforts, so now it is our turn to help them out. Please arrive at about 12:15pm and be prepared to work until about 2:30pm.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Hiking Trip Mount Monadnock

With all the damage in Western MA due to hurricane Irene the October fall hiking trip was moved to Mt. Manadnock.
Fun was had by all. To see more. Click here.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bring Compass & Scout Master Message

Please remember to bring your compass this Monday night
if you don't have one, the best place to get one is the Scout Shop on Rt 9 in Southboro , also REI or Dicks
Scout shop has a more reasonably priced compass  , the Silva Polaris model is good middle of road compass, about $15........if you cant get one in time the troop has a few you may borrow for the meeting

From the Scout Master! 

I think that we have made a good start to the new Scout year, with nearly every Scout returning from last year. We have added a couple of new Scouts, so the roster is gradually growing. We had a good canoe trip along the Saco River in late September, even though the weather forecast was not very promising. Some of the older Scouts will be hiking up Mount Monadnock this weekend and sleeping in a lean-to at a nearby Scout Camp.

The youth leadership team is responding very well to the challenge of helping to run the troop. We try to provide as many opportunities as possible for Scouts to serve in leadership positions. They will be doing many more presentations throughout the year, with the help of the adult leaders. 
Upcoming Trips
Scout Orienteering Weekend – on the weekend of October 28th – 30th we will be practicing our Orienteering skills and then competing in Orienteering competitions at the Nobscot Boy Scout Reservation. Map reading and compass skills are invaluable to anybody who heads out into the woods. I urge all Scouts to participate in this event. We might think that we are experts, but the actual heat of competition is a good way to test our skills under pressure. We will be sharing a big camping area with the Cub Scouts from Pack 12. We will be hosting the Second Year Webelos from Pack 12 in our camp site to introduce them to Troop 12 as part of a requirement for their Arrow of Light. It is important that we make them feel welcome because we need them to join Troop 12 when they Cross-Over into Scouting next April. The future health of Troop 12 is dependant upon new members joining and staying.  
 We will need four adult volunteers to help at the start and finish lines on Sunday morning, October 30th

Metro West Camping Adventure, November 12 - 13
Mr. Shupe is planning a camping trip on a local conservation area land. I know he is talking to the Sudbury Valley Trustees about a number of possible locations. We will be using Leave No Trace techniques on this trip. You will have the option to leave for part of the day to fulfill other obligations and then return to the camp site.

Climbing Trip, December 2 - 3
We will be climbing at Central Rock Climbing Gym in Worcester on the Friday night and then heading back to Nobscot to camp out after a night of climbing. More details will be provided over the upcoming weeks
Troop Meetings
Monday, October 17
We will be practicing map reading and compass skills in advance of the Orienteering Weekend.
Please bring along a compass
Monday, October 24
We will be practicing CPR skills, courtesy of my friend Dave Barnett. He has at least 12 mannequins, so everybody should get plenty of practice. This session is not sufficient for certification.
Monday, October 31
We will be practicing our abilities to scare people at home because it is Halloween. There will not be a troop meeting that night.
Other Items
Wreath Sale Fundraiser
 The information package was handed out a few weeks ago to give Scouts plenty of time to sell wreaths to families, friends and neighbours. The money raised from fundraisers is used to buy new equipment and to subsidize trips. The troop was able to heavily subsidize the recent rafting trip in Maine because we had two good fundraisers last year.
Popcorn Sale
Please return your order forms on Monday, October 17th.
November 6th – Plymouth Church Clean-Up Day
Troop 12 will participate in the clean-up of the church grounds on Sunday afternoon, November 6th. Please plan to arrive at approximately 11:45am and be prepared to work until 3:00pm.
Rotary Auction, Tuesday, December 6th and Wednesday, December 7th
Troop 12 will be assisting at the Rotary Auction again this year. Please mark your calendars.
National Jamboree 2013
Mr. Shupe is chomping at the bit to start talking about the National Jamboree that will be held at the Bechtel Family Summit High Adventure Base in the summer of 2013. The Summit is located in West Virginia and is being developed as a permanent high adventure destination for Scouts. There will be access to climbing, white water sports, horseback riding, tea drinking, mountain biking and many other thrilling adventures. I am sorry, but I seem to be getting ahead of myself. Space is limited at National Jamborees, so advance reservations are necessary.
Equipment Shortages
We have had a shortage of tents for recent trips. Please check your basements, garages, car trunks and anywhere else that tents might be hiding. These are expensive items to replace, so we need to look after them. We do not expect them to be returned the Monday night immediately after a camping trip because they need to be given a good airing out before they are returned to the Scout Shed. Joe Weber is your Troop 12 Quartermaster, so please direct your questions to him.
Scouting Philosophy
The main mission of the Scouting movement is to help young people mature into responsible adults who are good citizens and make ethical decisions. We try to do this by teaching a set of values that are also followed by the adult leaders who act as role models. We try to give Scouts gradually increasing levels of authority and responsibility to help them learn and develop valuable leadership skills. We also try to develop a strong mix of self –reliance and team work by providing opportunities for self-discovery through adventure and the use of the Patrol Method. I am a realist, so I don’t expect perfection. However, I do expect to collect some good stories that can be refined and used at Eagle Courts of Honor.
Dick Clarke
Scoutmaster, Troop 12

Friday, October 7, 2011

Scoutmasters "Words"

Please remember that we will have a meeting next Monday night. We will continue with our Bear Safety theme and other backpacking themes.

I also wanted to remind you that the backpacking trip next weekend, October 15th and 16th is intended for older Scouts, meaning those that have been in the troop for more than 9 months and have attended summer camp. We will be hiking approximately 8 miles, but it should not be too strenuous. We will hike 1.5 miles on the first day and 6.5 on the second day. We will carry our personal gear on our backs, along with a fair share of the common or patrol gear. This is intended to be an introduction to backpacking for those that have not done any or for those that have not done any recently. We will practice water treatment techniques, use liquid fuel stoves, eat freeze dried meals, hang bear bags, treat blisters, light fires, treat more blisters and generally live like wild men for a couple of days. We should have fun. The lean-to is situated next to the junction of two brooks, so we should plenty of water. There is also a latrine that has an air freshener, hot water, a cleaning service and good music system. There is a fire ring in front of the shelter.

We will be heading out to the western part of our state. I did a major part of this hike this past summer with my wife, so I am confident strong young men like you should be able to do it as well. Hopefully the lean-to will be available, but we won't know until we get to the parking lots.

We will go over the final details at Monday night's meeting. Please bring along the shoes/boots, rain gear, sleeping bags and backpacks that you are thinking about using on this trip. It is important that the equipment is adequate for the task at hand. I might be able to borrow or acquire some backpacks for this trip. I also have some old sleeping bags that would be suitable for this trip.

Please make a serious effort to attend this trip. It is not often that we try to do a trip just for the older scouts.


Dick Clarke
Scoutmaster, Troop 12

p.s.  I was lying about the latrine. A latrine is a latrine so get used to the idea. It is still better than sitting on a log and aiming for a hole in the ground.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Monday 9/26 Meeting at Nobscot Scout Reservation- 7:00 PM

Next Monday's meeting, 9/26, will be held at Nobscot Scout Reservation at 7:00 PM. We will be practicing fire building. Plus reviewing our rain gear's capabilities. Scouts and parents are to meet in the inner Nobscot Parking lot. Ware your class B shirt. (if you do not have one wear a t shirt and grubby pants), full rain gear plus bring a flash light & water bottle.

The Plan. Hike into Peobody camp site. Build practice building fires wet or dry. Cook a ?????

It looks like it may rain, which will be a great time to make sure our scout's rain gear is water proof. If it does not rain we will provide man made rain. I will be wearing my full rain suit (pants, top, hat and water proof boots). 

Boy Leaders will provide lessons on fire building & correct rain gear.

Parents please pick you scouts up at 8:30 PM. Be prepared for a wet scout upon pick-up.

Welcome Our New Scouts

Troop 12 first meeting started with a bang. 22 Scouts where in attendance! We welcome our new scouts.
Fun was had by all.
See you all next Monday at Nobscott's Scout Reservation

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Meeting Monday Sept. 19th

First Meeting Monday Sept. 19th. 7:30. All welcome.

Kick-Off Pool Party

Kick-off Pool Party was a great success. Thank you to the Mortin's for hosting. Our senior patrol leader did a fine job remembering 9-11. More images are here.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Kick Off Pool Party - Sunday 2-5 PM

Pool Party at Mr. Mortin’s House – on Sunday, September 11th. We will kick-off the new Scout year with a pool party, between 2:00 and 5:00 pm. A map and more details will be sent out regarding assignments.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Kennebec White Water Rafting Trip

On Aug 6. Troop 12 headed North to Raft the Kennebec River in Maine.
Fruit of many years of fund raising.
The trip started with a Mountain Bike adventure based out of North Country Adventures Camp Ground. More images click here.

Sunday we was the big day. White Water Rafting the Kennebec.
 Our fear Less Leaders at work!
This is our adventurers
We finished the trip at York ME enjoying the Atlantic Surf.
So next time you see a request for a Troop 12 wreath or a pancake breakfast donation, besides equipment, we use the funds to expand our scouts horizons.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Camp Squanto "A great success"

Camp Squanto "A great success"

8 Scouts lead by Scoutmaster Dick Clarke had a great week at Camp Squanto - Plymouth MA
Learning to be proud of our Nation!
Welcoming our latest Scout! With his new Troop 12 Neckerchief!

and just having fun!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

End of Year Court of Honor

The 2010-2011 Scout Season came to a close last night with a pot luck court of honor.
The food was good, with the best going out to Mrs. Bradley's Clam Chowder.

        10 Merit Badges | 10 Scout Badges | 2 Tenderfoots | 2 First Class | 1 Life
                                         Where presented!

Plus a special thanks to Tom Fitzpatrick for 12 years at treasure!
Scoutmaster Dick Clarke said he was proud of the year. Plus he let people know he had just finished camping outside at least one night per month for two consecutive years!
                                                  Hats off to Scoutmaster Clarke!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rain Hah! Great Cape Cod Bike Trip!

                       "It's not camping if it's not raining!"

A fine Bike Trip this weekend! While it did rain it did not stop us from doing all the planned adventures and we even got to go swimming at an indoor warm swimming pool.

Mr. Clarke's Eggplant Enchiladas

Sunday went to the Cape Cod Channel and saw a bunch of fisherman and their catches

Want see more. Click here.